The Xa7 resistance gene guards the rice susceptibility gene SWEET14 against exploitation by the bacterial blight pathogen

                Dangping Luo, Jose C. Huguet-Tapia, R. Taylor Raborn, Frank F. White, Volker P. Brendel, Bing Yang
                Plant Communications, 2021, 2(3): 100164  DOI: 10.1016/j.xplc.2021.100164;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
                Xa7; TAL effector; Xanthomonas; bacterial blight; disease resistance; SWEET14
                1 Division of Plant Sciences, Bond Life Sciences Center, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA
                2 Department of Plant Pathology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA
                3 Department of Biology, Department of Computer Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
                4 Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis, MO 63132, USA
                5 Current address: Biodesign Institute Center for Mechanisms of Evolution, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85281, USA

                Many plant disease resistance (R) genes function specifically in reaction to the presence of cognate effectors from a pathogen. Xanthomonas oryzae pathovar oryzae (Xoo) uses transcription activator-like effectors (TALes) to target specific rice genes for expression, thereby promoting host susceptibility to bacterial blight. Here, we report the molecular characterization of Xa7, the cognate R gene to the TALes AvrXa7 and PthXo3, which target the rice major susceptibility gene SWEET14. Xa7 was mapped to a unique 74-kb region. Gene expression analysis of the region revealed a candidate gene that contained a putative AvrXa7 effector binding element (EBE) in its promoter and encoded a 113-amino-acid peptide of unknown function. Genome editing at the Xa7 locus rendered the plants susceptible to avrXa7-carrying Xoo strains. Both AvrXa7 and PthXo3 activated a GUS reporter gene fused with the EBE-containing Xa7 promoter in Nicotiana benthamiana. The EBE of Xa7 is a close mimic of the EBE of SWEET14 for TALe-induced disease susceptibility. Ectopic expression of Xa7 triggers cell death in N. benthamiana. Xa7 is prevalent in indica rice accessions from 3000 rice genomes. Xa7 appears to be an adaptation that protects against pathogen exploitation of SWEET14 and disease susceptibility.


                許多植物抗病(R)基因特異在病原菌同源效應子的應答中起作用。稻屬黃單胞菌利用轉錄激活因子樣效應子(TALes)作用于特定的水稻基因,促進其表達,從而提高寄主對白葉枯病的易感性。本文我們報道了Xa7的分子特征,Xa7是與TALes AvrXa7和PthXo3同源的R基因,AvrXa7和PthXo3作用于SWEET14基因。Xa7定位在一個74 kb區(qū)域,對該區(qū)域的基因表達分析揭示了一個候選基因,其啟動子中含有一個預測的AvrXa7效應子結合元件(EBE),編碼一個功能未知的113個氨基酸的肽。Xa7基因座的基因組編輯使植株對攜帶avrXa7的Xoo菌株敏感。煙草中,AvrXa7和PthXo3都激活了一個GUS報告基因,該基因含EBE的Xa7啟動子融合。Xa7的EBE與SWEET14的EBE非常相似,后者在TALe誘導的疾病易感性方面起作用。Xa7的異位表達觸發(fā)了煙草的細胞死亡。Xa7在來自3000個水稻基因組的秈稻材料中普遍存在。Xa7似乎是一種適應進化,可防止病原菌利用SWEET14
                  在本研究中,研究人員先采用傳統(tǒng)的遺傳定位的方式,通過大規(guī)模篩選遺傳定位群體和對篩到的關鍵重組株進行遺傳分析,將該基因定位到了一個與參考基因組序列完全不同的區(qū)域,這已達到了傳統(tǒng)圖位克隆方法的極限。為了獲得Xa7定位區(qū)內的基因組序列,研究人員采用新發(fā)展的sequencing-based de novo assembly方法,通過對Illumina sequencing測序獲得的短讀長和 Nanopore sequencing獲得的長讀長序列進行基因組序列拼接,并結合PCR以及產物測序來驗證序列拼接的準確性。最終確定了在Xa7的定位區(qū)間內含有和參考基因組序列完全不同的74-kb的片段?;谒@得的基因組序列,研究人員采用CRISPR/Cas9的方法來制造大片段缺失,從而將Xa7進一步定位到了一個53-kb的區(qū)域。為了確定Xa7基因,研究人員又采用了基于RNA測序的RNA annotation and mapping of the respective promoters( RAMPAGE)分析的方法,發(fā)現(xiàn)了在定位區(qū)間里唯一的受對應于Xa7的病原菌無毒效應蛋白AvrXa7誘導表達的ORF113。最終通過CRISPR/Cas9敲除,AvrXa7特異誘導基因表達以及和基因啟動子特異結合的分析,確定了ORF113就是Xa7。另外研究人員還發(fā)現(xiàn)了在病原菌中廣泛存在的另外一個無毒效應蛋白PthXo3也能結合Xa7的啟動子而誘導基因表達從而引發(fā)抗病,從而揭示了Xa7的廣譜、持久的抗病機制。

                  白葉枯病抗性基因 Xa7
                  蔗糖轉運蛋白; 白葉枯病抗性基因; 白葉枯病易感基因 Os-11N3; xa41(t); OsSWEET14