
                陳亮, 梅明華, 徐才國, 王偉, 崔紅
                廈門大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào)(自然科學(xué)版), 2000, 39(4): 421-425     追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
                AFLP-RFLP; pms3; 水稻

                運(yùn)用AFLP技術(shù)對(duì)農(nóng)墾58S×1514的F2 代群體構(gòu)建的極端集團(tuán)進(jìn)行了分析。在253對(duì)AFLP引物中,91%具有多態(tài)性帶,有20對(duì)引物擴(kuò)增到了陽性帶。陽性帶經(jīng)克隆后用作RFLP探針進(jìn)行極端集團(tuán)分析,其中4個(gè)具有多態(tài)性帶,2個(gè)(F3和V4)表現(xiàn)為陽性帶。F2 代不育群體RFLP分析結(jié)果顯示,F(xiàn)3和V4兩個(gè)標(biāo)記與第12染色體上的光敏核不育基因pms3 連鎖。通過極大似然法估算,F(xiàn)3和V4標(biāo)記距光敏核不育基因pms3 的遺傳距離分別為5.80cM 和7.75cM。

                Identification of AFLP-RFLP Makers Linked to the Photoperiod-sensitive Male Sterile Gene pms3 in Rice

                CNEN Liang, WEI Ming-hua, XU Cai-guo, WANG Wei, CUI Hong
                Journal of Xiamen University(Natural Science), 2000, 39(4): 421-425
                AFLP-RFLP; pms3; rice

                The bulked DNA from the extreme fertile and sterile plants of the F2 population and the parents DNA as NongKen58S×1514 were analyzed via AFLP technique. The polymorphic bands amplified were 91% with 253 AFLP primer pairs, among which 20 AFLP primer pairs gave positive bands. These positive bands were later cloned and transformed into RFLP probes used in the bulked extremes analysis. Among these 20 RFLP markers there were 4 appearing polymorphic bands and 2 positive makers, F3 and V4. F3 and V4 were linked to the PGMS gene located pms3 in Chromosome 12 via RFLP analysis of the F2 sterile population. The genetic distance calculated by Maximum likelihood were 5.80 cM and 7.75 cM to pms3, respectively.

                  光溫敏雄性核不育基因 pms3; p/tms12-1; IncRNA; LDM