Control of a key transition from prostrate to erect growth in rice domestication

                Lubin Tan, Xianran Li, Fengxia Liu, Xianyou Sun, Chenggang Li, Zuofeng Zhu, Yongcai Fu, Hongwei Cai, Xiangkun Wang, Daoxin Xie, Chuanqing Sun
                Nature Genetics, 2008, 40(11): 1360-1364  DOI: 10.1038/ng.197;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826

                The transition from the prostrate growth of ancestral wild rice (O. rufipogon Griff.) to the erect growth of Oryza sativa cultivars was one of the most critical events in rice domestication. This evolutionary step importantly improved plant architecture and increased grain yield. Here we find that prostrate growth of wild rice from Yuanjiang County in China is controlled by a semi-dominant gene, PROG1 (PROSTRATE GROWTH 1), on chromosome 7 that encodes a single Cys2-His2 zinc-finger protein. prog1 variants identified in O. sativa disrupt the prog1 function and inactivate prog1 expression, leading to erect growth, greater grain number and higher grain yield in cultivated rice. Sequence comparison shows that 182 varieties of cultivated rice, including 87 indica and 95 japonica cultivars from 17 countries, carry identical mutations in the prog1 coding region that may have become fixed during rice domestication.



                  匍匐生長基因 PROG1