
                章善慶, 童漢華, 曹一平, 童海軍, 尹設(shè)飛, 唐昌華
                雜交水稻, 2005, 20(2): 21-22  DOI: 10.16267/j.cnki.1005-3956.2005.02.007;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
                雜交水稻; 中浙優(yōu)1號(hào); 選育

                中浙優(yōu)1號(hào)是用中浙A與航恢570配組育成的秈型雜交水稻新組合。浙江省單季稻區(qū)試結(jié)果,2 a平均產(chǎn)量比汕優(yōu)63增產(chǎn)6.3%,生育期長(zhǎng)5 d,品質(zhì)優(yōu)良,中抗稻瘟病和白葉枯病,適合于長(zhǎng)江中下游作單季稻種植,2004年3月通過(guò)浙江省農(nóng)作物品種審定。

                Breeding and Application of New Indica Hybrid Rice Combination Zhongzheyou 1 with High Yield and Good Quality

                ZHANG Shan qing, TONG Han hua, CAO Yi ping, TONG Hai jun, YIN She fei, TANG Chang hua
                Hybrid Rice, 2005, 20(2): 21-22
                indica hybrid rice; Zhongzheyou 1; good quality; breeding

                Zhongzheyou 1, developed from the fine quality CMS line Zhongzhe A and restorer line Hanghui 570, is a new indica hybrid rice combination. It has the characteristics of good grain quality, high and stable yield, moderate blast resistance and wide adaptability. It was registered by Zhejiang Crop Variety Approval Committee in March, 2004, and it is suitable to be grown as single cropping rice in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River.
