
                丁丹, 張亞東, 鄭佳, 趙春芳, 陳濤, 趙慶勇, 朱鎮(zhèn), 周麗慧, 姚姝, 趙凌, 于新, 王才林
                江蘇農(nóng)業(yè)學(xué)報, 2014, (6) : 1191-1197  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2014.06.001;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
                水稻; GS3基因; qGL3基因; 序列差異; 四引物ARMS-PCR標記
                南京農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)農(nóng)學(xué)院,江蘇 南京 210095; 江蘇省農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué)院糧食作物研究所,江蘇省優(yōu)質(zhì)水稻工程技術(shù)研究中心,國家水稻改良中心南京分中心,江蘇 南京 210014;江蘇省農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué)院糧食作物研究所,江蘇省優(yōu)質(zhì)水稻工程技術(shù)研究中心,國家水稻改良中心南京分中心,江蘇 南京 210014

                水稻粒型是與其產(chǎn)量直接相關(guān)的重要性狀。在前期研究證實來源于特大粒水稻TD70和秈稻品種Kasa1ath的重組自交系( RIL)群體中檢測到已克隆的粒長 GS3和 qGL3基因的基礎(chǔ)上,通過 TD70和 Kasa1ath的GS3、qGL3基因序列差異分析,設(shè)計功能標記,檢測240個RILs和不同粒長的6個粳稻、9個秈稻中GS3、qGL3基因類型及其效應(yīng)。結(jié)果顯示:TD70和Kasa1ath中的GS3基因和qGL3基因分別在第2外顯子上的編碼區(qū)+165位置和第10外顯子上的編碼區(qū)+1092位置存在一個由堿基C到堿基A的單核苷酸替換,據(jù)此設(shè)計了四引物擴增受阻突變體系( Tetra-primer ARMS-PCR)標記,TD70的GS3和qGL3基因分別擴增為270 bp和145 bp條帶及448 bp和288 bp條帶,Kasa1ath的GS3、qGL3基因分別擴增為270 bp和175 bp條帶及448 bp和216 bp條帶;240個RILs中含有GS3-T和qGL3-T基因的株系61個,含GS3-T和qGL3-K的株系48個,含GS3-K和qGL3-T的株系17個;不同粒型基因組合的粒長存在顯著差異,表現(xiàn)為GS3-T+qGL3-T﹥GS3-T+qGL3-K或GS3-K+qGL3-T﹥GS3-K+qGL3-K;長粒型的1個粳稻和5個秈稻品種的GS3基因表現(xiàn)為TD70帶型,短粒型的5個粳稻和4個秈稻品種的GS3基因表現(xiàn)為Kasa1ath帶型;所有水稻品種的qGL3基因均表現(xiàn)為Kasa1ath帶型。表明開發(fā)的GS3和qGL3基因功能標記是有效的,可用于水稻分子標記輔助育種。

                Design and application of functional markers of grain length genes GS3 and qGL3 in rice

                DING Dan, ZHANG Ya-dong, ZHENG Jia, ZHAO Chun-fang, CHEN Tao, ZHAO Qing-yong, ZHU Zhen, ZHOU Li-hui, YAO Shu, ZHAO Ling, YU Xin, WANG Cai-lin
                Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2014, (6) : 1191-1197

                test their gene types and effects in 240 RILs and some rice varieties inc1uding six japonica and nine indica. A sing1e nuc1eo-tide transition from C to A was presented both in the second exon of GS3 and in the tenth exon of qGL3, and tetra-primer ARMS-PCR markers were designed according to this mutation, respective1y. As a resu1t, TD70 showed 270-bp and 145-bp fragments for GS3 gene, and 448-bp and 288-bp fragments for qGL3 gene, whi1e Kasa1ath showed 270-bp and 175-bp frag-ments for GS3 gene, and 448-bp and 216-bp fragments for qGL3 gene. Among the 240 RILs, 61 1ines had GS3-T and qGL3-T genes, 48 1ines had GS3-T and qGL3-K genes, and 17 1ines had GS3-K and qGL3-T genes. Significant phenotypic differences existed between gene types, and the average phenotype va1ues of grain 1ength showed GS3-T+qGL3-T﹥GS3-T+qGL3-K or GS3-K+qGL3-T﹥GS3-K+qGL3-K . One japonica variety and five indica varieties with 1ong grain showed GS3-T type, whi1e five japonica varieties and four indica varieties with short grain showed GS3-K type. A11 these varieties showed the same type as Kasa1ath for qGL3 gene. The design of functiona1 markers of GS3 and qGL3 was effective to detect 240 RILs and 15 rice varieties, and the markers cou1d be used for rice mo1ecu1ar marker assisted breeding.

                  蛋白絲氨酸/蘇氨酸磷酸酶; 細胞分裂素磷脂酶抑制因子 GL3.1; qGL3-1; qGL3; OsPPKL1