
                倪大虎, 易成新, 李莉, 汪秀峰, 張毅, 趙開軍, 王春連, 章琦, 王文相, 楊劍波
                作物學(xué)報, 2008, 34(1): 100-105  DOI: 10.3321/j.issn:0496-3490.2008.01.015;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
                白葉枯病; 稻溫病; pi9(t)基因; Xa23基因


                Developing Rice Lines Resistant to Bacterial Blight and Blast with Molecular Marker-Assisted Selection

                NI Da-Hu, YI Cheng-Xin, LI Li, WANG Xiu-Feng, ZHANG Yi, ZHAO Kai-Jun, WANG Chun-Lian, ZHANG Qi, WANG Wen-Xiang, YANG Jian-Bo
                Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2008, 34(1): 100-105
                Bacterial blight; Blast; Gene Pi9(t); Gene Xa21; Gene Xa23; molecular market-assisted selection; Multi-PCR

                The bacterial blight (BB) and blast are two major diseases of rice. Through Molecular Marker-assisted Selection(MAS) and traditional breeding methods, hybridization and selfcross, blast resistance gene Pi9(t), BB resistant genes Xa21 andXa23 were put together. Four stable lines L17–L20 which conferred 3 homozygous resistance genes and good agronomic characteristicswere obtained through consecutive inoculation in the field or/and greenhouse, MAS and selection from agricultural aspects.By artificial inoculation of 20 blast isolates which came from different countries and areas, 7 Chinese epidemic bacterialblight races and an Anhui epidemic BB race in the field or/and greenhouse, 4 lines expressed resistance to blast and BB. L17–L20had high resistance to all 20 blast isolates and showed similar resistant level to and same resistant spectrum as donor variety75-1-127. At the same time, lines L17–L20 had similar resistance and spectrum to Xa23 gene both in seedling and heading stages.In the adult stage, the lines had better BB resistance than donor parents M12 with Xa21 gene and CBB23 with Xa23 gene. Usingmulti-PCR, gene Pi9(t) and Xa21 can be selected at the same time so that improves the selection efficiency.

                  白葉枯病抗性基因 Xa23