Genetic and physical mapping of xa13, a recessive bacterial blight resistance gene in rice

                A. C. Sanchez, L. L. Ilag, D. Yang, D. S. Brar, F. Ausubel, G. S. Khush, M. Yano, T. Sasaki, Z. Li, N. Huang
                Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 1999, 98(6-7): 1022-1028  DOI: 10.1007/s001220051163;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826

                The recessive gene, xa13, confers resistance to Philippine race 6 (PXO99) of the bacterial blight pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae. Fine genetic mapping and physical mapping were conducted as initial steps in an effort to isolate the gene. Using nine selected DNA markers and two F2 populations of 132 and 230 plants, xa13 was fine-mapped to a genomic region <4cM on the long arm of rice chromosome 8, flanked by two RFLP markers, RG136 and R2027. Four DNA markers, RG136, R2027, S14003, and G1149, in the target region were used to identify bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones potentially harboring the xa13 locus from a rice BAC library. A total of 11 BACs were identified, forming four separate contigs including a single-clone contig, 29I3, associated with the RG136 STS marker, the S14003 contig consisting of four clones (44F8, 41O2, 12A16, and 12F20), the G1149 contig with two clones, 23D11 and 21H18, and the R2027 contig consisting of four overlapping clones, 42C23, 30B5, 6B7 and 21H14. Genetic mapping indicated that the xa13 locus was contained in the R2027 contig. Chromosomal walking on the R2027 contig resulted in two more clones, 33C7 and 14L3. DNA fingerprinting showed that the six clones of the R2027 contig were overlapping. Clone 44F8 hybridized with a single fragment from the clone 14L3, integrating the R2027 and S14003 contigs into a single contig consisting of ten BAC clones with a total size of approximately 330 kb. The physical presence of the xa13 locus in the contig was determined by mapping the ends of the BAC inserts generated by TAIL-PCR. In an F2 population of 230 plants, the BAC-end markers 42C23R and 6B7F flanked the xa13 locus. The probes 21H14F and 21H14R derived from BAC clone 21H14 were found to flank xa13 at a distance of 0.5 cM on either side, using a second F2 population of 132 plants. Thus, genetic mapping indicated that the contig and the 96-kb clone, 21H14, contained the xa13 locus.

                  白葉枯病抗性基因; 蔗糖轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn)蛋白; 結(jié)瘤素基因; 白葉枯病易感基因 xa13; Os-8N3; OsSWEET11