R gene expression induced by a type-III effector triggers disease resistance in rice

                Keyu Gu, Bing Yang, Dongsheng Tian, Lifang Wu, Dongjiang Wang, Chellamma Sreekala, Fan Yang, Zhaoqing Chu, Guo-Liang Wang, Frank F. White, Zhongchao Yin
                Nature, 2005, 435 : 1122-1125  DOI: 10.1038/nature03630;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826

                Disease resistance (R) genes in plants encode products that specifically recognise incompatible pathogens and trigger a cascade of events leading to disease resistance in the host plant. R-gene specificity is dictated by both host R genes and cognate avirulence (avr) genes in pathogens. However, the basis of gene-for-gene specificity is not well understood. Here, we report the cloning of the R gene Xa27 from rice and the cognate avr gene avrXa27 from Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Resistant and susceptible alleles of Xa27 encode identical proteins. However, expression of only the resistant allele occurs when a rice plant is challenged by bacteria harbouring avrXa27, whose product is a nuclear localized type-III effector. Induction of Xa27 occurs only in the immediate vicinity of infected tissue, whereas ectopic expression of Xa27 resulted in resistance to otherwise compatible strains of the pathogen. Thus Xa27 specificity towards incompatible pathogens involves the differential expression of the R gene in the presence of the AvrXa27 effector.



                  白葉枯病抗性基因 Xa27; Xa-min(t)