
                張向明, 李丕順, 劉新瓊
                中南民族大學(xué)學(xué)報(自然科學(xué)版), 2007, 26(4): 32-34     追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
                稻瘟病; 抗性基因Pi36; 半定量RT-PCR

                為研究稻瘟病抗性基因Pi36的表達模式,利用半定量RT-PCR對抗病親本Kasalath和感病親本麗江新團黑谷(LTH)進行了接種前和接種后24 h和48 h的表達分析.結(jié)果表明:Pi36無論在接種前還是接種后以及無論在抗病親本Kasalath還是感病親本LTH中均有表達,并且各個時間段的表達量沒有大的差別.由此說明,Pi36屬于組成型而不是誘導(dǎo)型表達的基因.

                Expression Analysis of Rice Blast Resistant Gene Pi36

                Zhang Xiangming, Li Pishun, Liu Xinqiong
                Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities(Natural Science Edition), 2007, 26(4): 32-34
                Magnaporthe grisea; resistant gene Pi36; semi-quantitative RT-PCR

                The expression profile of the Pi36 gene in resistant and susceptible parents,which were inoculated 24 and 48 h ,was investigated by semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis.The results revealed that no detectable expression difference was observed for the Pi36 gene among different time points as well as between resistant and susceptible alleles.Thus,it was concluded that the expression pattern of Pi36 is constitutive and is not induced by blast infection.

                  稻瘟病抗性基因 Pi36